March 3

Do you trust yourself or do you seek affirmation from others?


“When I NEED something, it has a power over me that I cannot control.”, Journey to Healthy Living by Scott Reall.

Is it a need or is it a want?
Is it a need or is it an addiction?

I need air. I need water. Sleep. Sustenance.

What about affirmation? Affirmation is defined as. “maintain as true; assert positively; the assertion of the truth or existence of something; a positive statement.

Do I need or desire affirmation? Yes. To be honest, we all do at a certain level and extent. I want to know I’m on the right track and what I’m doing is correct and valued.

The problem is that my value ISN’T based on what others perceive of me. It isn’t what I can do for others or what I’ve done. I have an inherent value and others will never see all of me. This is the secondary problem that I often miss my own value or self-worth.

Why do we seek affirmation from others?

“Self-esteem is about trusting your ability to make appropriate choices and cope effectively with adversity” – Dr. Nathanial Branden

Do you trust yourself? Do you trust your ability to make choices and accept the consequences?

Perhaps this is the biggest issue… Trusting myself and accepting the consequences.

In truth, I don’t need affirmation from others. It is possible I may have ideas or goals that are beyond what others see of me. If my progress towards those goals are based on the response of others, I may abandon the greatest accomplishments of my life before I even begin…. What I NEED it to trust myself and take action.

What about you????

“Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead!!” – Adm. David Farragut.

Where do you need to stop seeking affirmation from others and trust yourself?


Beliefs, Diet fads, healthy eating, healthy feelings, Lakewood, Puyallup, Tacoma, Weight loss

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